Monday, February 09, 2015


I am not a fan of hot tea.  Once in awhile I drink a little before bed, but it's not an everyday thing for me.  I love iced tea with lots of ice, a very foreign concept to my new neighbors. They will fix cold tea drinks, but use very little ice. And they don't usually drink anything but hot water with their meal. I am so not on board with drinking hot water. When our babysitter couldn't find a tea kettle to heat up her water in our apartment the other day, she was confused.....

I'll be honest I don't know a lot about different types of tea and had no idea how to make tea without a tea bag.  We were out and about this weekend and went to an outdoor market where a very nice gentleman showed me some different teas and how to make them.  I walked away armed with knowledge, some tea, and the cutest little teapot.  I had no idea that raw tea, like wine,  gets better with age and more expensive.

I am probably not going to start drinking tea after every meal and before bedtime like he suggested, but at least now I can properly offer my guests a cup of tea when they come over.  So if you are ever in the neighborhood, pop by, I would love to share a pot of tea with you!

My teacher.  He was very passionate about his tea.

My new teapot.  The detail of the design is what sold me on this one.

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