Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hug them for me!

I've said before the hardest part of this move for me was leaving Taylor and Tucker.  Yes they are mostly grown, and true they don't need me that much anymore....but I still miss them. I miss knowing that if they did need me I could get in the car and be there in a matter of hours, not a matter of days.  It's a mom thing.  The "everyday" missing them is hard, but what is really tough are the important days that I miss.  Tomorrow Tucker will move into his dorm, he will start his freshman year of college and I won't be there to help.  I wanted to fly home to be there with him.  When I saw him in May we talked about it and decided that it was silly for me to do that, but my heart is sad. With both of the boys I have missed things for one reason or another, but with Tucker it has been harder, our relationship went through such a rough spot.  We are good now, solid, and I don't want to miss anything else. I never want him to feel like I don't want to be there for him. I think as parents we want to grasp for those last shreds of childhood, those moments they still need us. I hope that no matter how old they get, no matter how far apart we are that they know the  place they hold in my heart will always be their own, it can not be filled by something or someone else.  It was carved out for them even before they were born.
This is from 2010...but I love it.  They are so cute with no facial hair!

This was taken in May at Tucker's graduation.  SO proud of them.

I am blessed and so lucky to have these 3 boys to call mine. I am proud of them and can't wait to see where their journey takes them and what God has planned for each of them.

Love it when they are all in the same place!
Hug your babies tight, they grow up fast and if you see one of mine hug them for me and if you think of it tomorrow say a prayer for Tucker as he starts this new adventure and maybe throw in a little prayer for me too, being a momma is hard sometimes.

This summer in Santa Monica

With Some Grace

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