Saturday, November 07, 2015

I have neglected my blog lately....I feel kind of bad but at the same time I just have not had TIME!  I am almost done with a post about our trip to Hong Kong Disneyland which was the start of a very busy month for us.  It went something like this...

Trip to Disneyland
Packed up the old apartment
Shopped and bought furniture for the new apartment
Moved to the new apartment
Boss tells J he wants him to come home 16 days before our planned stateside trip!
Quickly unpacked boxes
out of town guest for work
John flew to USA
Bubba flew to Taiwan for a visit

Needless to say a moment to sit and write a blog post or 2 has eluded me.  But I really am almost done, hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post it and maybe with any luck get back on somewhat of a schedule of regular posts.  I miss it.  I enjoy sharing our adventures with whoever chooses to read them.  Now off to enjoy the last few days of Bubba's visit before the Tiny American and I pack up to head to the USA for a Holiday visit!


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